Ballpoint Display iteration

Ballpoint Display iteration

Continued development on the Ballpoint Display typeface; based on a sign painters font from the early 20th Century it will be a purely display family. Working through a variety of styles to complement the simple face but will allow for a robust set of...

Ballpoint Display

Ballpoint Display

New year, new font part II: this is a work in progress of a new display font based on an old font from the early 20th Century. It will be a limited set which may extend into some numerals to round out the set. Have an idea or want to work with...

2023 Illustrations

2023 Illustrations

Looking back on the year and reflecting on the illustrations and alternative movie posters created during 2023. It has been another year to continue to transpose my traditional painting background to digital equivalency. There have been many attempts to...

Adobe Aero AR

Adobe Aero AR

Experimenting with the latest beta version of the Adobe Creative Cloud Aero, augmented reality, application.

Col. Kurtz

Col. Kurtz

Portrait of Colonel Kurtz, played by Marlon Brando, in Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece, “Apocalypse Now”.

Lady Thor

Lady Thor

Portrait of Natalie Portman as Lady Thor from Marvel’s “Thor: Love and Thunder” and the brilliant direction from Taika Waititi.

Beware the charm offensive

Beware the charm offensive

Beware of the charm offensive; one type of interaction throws a red flag in my mind more than any other in interpersonal dealings.

The Future of Work

The Future of Work

This article was originally published on my page on Medium.  This errant view has been nurtured by corporations for decades and it required a global pandemic to expose this flawed perspective. After almost 2 years where much of the global workforce has...

elements of magic

elements of magic

we have recently completed a long-term project and published our first book entitled, elements of magic: the interactive guidebook to disney's magic kingdom, and it is now available on the iBookstore.   the book covers a brief history of...