Lydia character creation

As we continued progress of expanding the existing character set within our new sans serif font, Lydia, we thought we would share an example of some of the process used in the creation of our newest font.

As you can see from the above image, the font is based on a defined series of brushstrokes. These strokes are derived from the original instruction manual for a sign painter to create a standard set of display upper case letters. When a few of these strokes are combined, you create the letterform. 

Lydia Regular character set

As the original alphabet contained the 26 upper case letters in the example, we have extended that to a standard character set with most of the keys found on a standard US Keyboard layout, as you can see in the above image.

Lydia typeset sample using p. from Jane Austen's "Pride & Prejudice" as the text.

The motivation to extend the character set was to allow use for the font in more than in display work. Above, you can find a typeset example of the font-in-progress that is very readable and legible. There is still more refinement to be done before release and we hope you will check back for our progress on this, and our other projects. 

So follow along here and at our social channels, below.

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